Safety Godown Co Ltd was
founded in 1960 and became listed in HongKong
since 1972 - one of the very few warehouse providers to be listed in
Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The Company is now managing businesses mainly
in logistics services and property investment.
A total warehouse storage space of approximately 850,000
sq,ft. is being
provided in Hong Kong at Chivas Godown and Safety Godown
Warehouse No.4. Chivas Godown,
located at No.60 Ka Yip Street , Chai Wan and adjacent to the Chai Wan
Cargo Handling Basin, is boasted with its own 126m long waterfront
allowing the direct loading and unloading of 3,000 tons of cargoes
across ship decks. With its ceiling height from 15ft to 28ft and
storage space of 430,000 sq.ft., as many as 80,000 CBM of cargoes can be putaway into storage.
Godown Warehouse No.4,
located at 132 - 140, Kwok Shui Road, Kwai Chung, is strategically situated in the main
transport backbone and traffic intersection where the Hong Kong
International Airport meets the Kwai Chung
Container Terminal. Constructed with a ceiling height from 13ft to
24ft, a total of 420,000 sq.ft.
of storage space is currently available to
cater for a storage capacity of 60,000 CBM.
Both warehouses are designed with designated docks
enabling the simultaneous loading and unloading of cargoes from 40ft
container trucks. A full range of facilities including mechanical
ventilation, fire services, security and
information system have been installed. Serviced by experienced,
well-trained, and customer-oriented staff, the Company is being one of
the most efficient warehouse service providers in Hong Kong.
本公司現時擁有近85萬平方呎倉位,分別位於香港柴灣嘉業街60號的柴灣貨倉及位於香港新界葵涌國瑞道132 - 140號的安全貨倉第四倉"安全四倉"。
安全四倉鄰近葵涌貨櫃碼頭及香港國際機場,連接主要高速公路往來中國大陸。全倉面積約42萬平方呎,樓高13 - 24呎,可供貯貨6萬立方米。
柴灣貨倉毗鄰柴灣避風塘、貨物起卸區及鯉魚門海港。全倉面積43萬餘平方呎,樓底高15 - 28呎,可供貯貨8萬立方米,並擁有私家水位長達126米,可供駁艇及3千噸輪船直接泊岸起卸貨物,具備海、陸兩用倉貯服務的條件。